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Writer's pictureMartha Jin

Translation of Fu Xing Jue, Part 3

Updated: Feb 11


Externally contracted atmospheric disorders formulas

69 弘景曰:外感天行,经方之始,有二旦、六神大小等汤。昔南阳张机,依此诸方,撰写为《伤寒论》一部,疗治明悉,后学咸尊奉之。山林僻居,仓卒难防外感之疾,日数传变,生死往往在三五日间,岂可疏忽。若能深明此数方者,则庶无蹈险之虞也,今亦录而识之。

(Tao) Hongjing says: the origin of the classical formulas use major and minor two Dawn (Yang Dawn and Yin Dawn) and six Constellations to treat the external invasions. Zhang Ji from West Yang province composed Shanghan Lun based on these foundational formulas providing clear treatments. It was highly respected and esteemed by later generations of scholars. (I, or people who) live in the depth of the mountains and often cannot prevent sudden external invasions. Diseases can change and spread and reach a state of life and death in three to five days. One cannot be negligent. If one can deeply shine light on these formulas, then they will not be in such a dangerous situation. Therefore I record down [these formulas] to be passed on.

70 小阳旦汤

Minor Yang Dawn Formula/ xiǎo yáng dàn tāng


This formula treats externally contracted atmospheric disorder with heat effusion, spontaneous sweating, aversion to wind, sneezing or hoarse breathing in the nose, and dry retching


桂枝Guizhi 3 liǎng

芍药Shaoyao 3 liǎng

生姜Shengjiang 2 liǎng (cut)

炙甘草Zhigancao 2 liǎng

大枣Dazao 12 pieces


Boil the above ingredients in seven shēng of water down to three shēng. Take one shēng warm. After taking the formula, follow it by taking warm congee to augment the effect of the medicine. One should get slight sweating. One cannot sweat a lot, or the disease will not be cured. If one does not sweat, take another dose. Take it three times a day. If add one shēng of (Jiao) Yi, it is called Zheng (Upright) Yang Dawn Decoction.

71 小阴旦汤

Minor Yin Dawn Decoction/ xiǎo yīn dàn tāng


This formula treats externally contracted atmospheric disorder, fever with sweating, pain in the head and eye, abdominal pain, dry retching and diarrhea.


黄芩Huangqin 3 liǎng

芍药Shaoyao 3 liǎng

炙甘草Zhigancao 2 liǎng

大枣Dazao 12 pieces

生姜Shengjiang 2 liǎng (cut)


Boil the above ingredients in seven shēng of water down to three shēng. Take one shēng warm three times a day. After taking the formula, the patient feels like they have walked three or four lǐ. Ask patient to take congee to augment the effect of the medicine. When body becomes warm, it will spontaneously bring cure.

72 大阳旦汤

Major Yang Dawn Decoction/ dà yáng dàn tāng


This formula treats diseases where the person has unstoppable sweating, fatigued breathing, body fatigue and weak strength, aversion to wind and cold, contraction and urgency in the abdomen, unwilling to eat or drink, all can use this formula. If the pulse is weak and big, it fits the pattern even more.

黄芪五两 人参桂枝生姜各三两 甘草炙三两 芍药六两 大枣十二枚 饴一升

黄芪Huangqi 5 liǎng

人参Renshen 3 liǎng

桂枝Guizhi 3 liǎng

生姜Shengjiang 3 liǎng

炙甘草Zhigancao 3 liǎng

芍药Shaoyao 6 liǎng

大枣Dazao 12 pieces

胶饴(Jiao) Yi 1 shēng


Boil the above seven ingredients in one dǒu of water down to four shēng. Drain the herbs and then add Yi to melt it. Take one shēng three times during the day and once at night.

73 大阴旦汤

Major Yin Dawn Decoction/ dà yīn dàn tāng


This formula treats all diseases presenting with dizziness, dry throat, dry retching, food not going down, vexation and fullness in the Heart, propping pain in the rib side, and alternating cold and heat.


柴胡Chaihu 8 liǎng

黄芩Huangqin 3 liǎng

人参Renshen 3 liǎng

半夏Banxia 1 shēng

生姜Shengjiang 3 liǎng

炙甘草Zhigancao 2 liǎng

大枣Dazao 12 pieces

芍药Shaoyao 4 liǎng


Boil the above eight ingredients in one dǒu and two shēng of water down to six shēng. Drain the herbs. Then turn on heat again to slowly simmer down to three shēng. Take one shēng warm three times a day.

74 小青龙汤

Minor Blue-Green Dragon Decoction/ xiǎo qīng lóng tāng


This formula treats externally contracted atmospheric disorder with fever, aversion to cold, sweat not coming out, panting, body pain, and a tight pulse.


麻黄Mahuang 3 liǎng

杏仁Xingren half shēng (boiled and crushed)

桂枝Guizhi 3 liǎng

炙甘草Zhigancao 1 and half liǎng


Use seven shēng of water to first boil Mahuang down to five shēng. Take out the foam above water and then add the rest of the ingredients to boil down to 3 shēng. Drain the herbs. Take eight hé of decoction warm. One must produce full body sweating, or the evil will not be completely expelled.

75 大青龙汤

Major Blue-Green Dragon Decoction/ dà qīng lóng tāng


This formula treats externally contracted atmospheric disorder with surface not resolved. There is water qì below the Heart, dry retching, fever, and continuous panting and coughing.


麻黄Mahuang 3 liǎng (get rid of nodes)

桂枝Guizhi 3 liǎng

芍药Shaoyao 3 liǎng

炙甘草Zhigancao 3 liǎng

五味子Wuweizi half shēng

半夏Banxia half shēng

细辛Xixin 3 liǎng

干姜Ganjiang 3 liǎng


Use one dǒu of water to first boil Mahuang down to 8 shēng. Take out the foam floating above water and then add the rest of the ingredients and boil down to three shēng. Drain the herbs. Take one shēng warm. One version does not have Ganjiang, therefore only have 7 ingredients.

76 小白虎汤

Minor White Tiger Decoction/ xiǎo bái hǔ tāng


This formula treats externally contracted atmospheric disorder with heat pain, profuse unstoppable sweating, dry mouth and tongue, unquenchable thirst even after drinking several shēng of water, and a flooding and big pulse.


石膏Shigao size of an egg (brocade wrapped)

知母Zhimu 6 liǎng

炙甘草Zhigancao 2 liǎng

粳米Gengmi 6 hé


Use one dǒu of water to first boil Gengmi until it is cooked. Take out rice and add the rest of the herbs down to six shēng. Take two shēng warm, three times a day.

77 大白虎汤

Major White Tiger Decoction/ dà bái hǔ tāng


This formula treats externally contracted atmospheric warm disease, vexing heat in the Heart, occasional spontaneous sweating, dry tongue, thirst with a desire to drink water, cough with phlegm that has not been resolved for a long time.


石膏Shigao size of an egg (crushed)

麦门冬Maimendong half shēng

炙甘草Zhigancao 2 liǎng

粳米Gengmi 6 hé

半夏Banxia half shēng

生姜Shengjiang 2 shēng (cut)

竹叶Zhuye three big handful


Use one dǒu and two shēng of water to first boil Gengmi until it is cooked. Take out rice and add the rest of the herbs and boil down to six shēng. Drain the herbs. Take two shēng warm, three times a day.

78 小朱鸟汤

Minor Red Phoenix Decoction/ xiǎo zhū niǎo tāng


This formula treats externally contracted atmospheric warm disease with Heart qì deficiency, internally generated vexation and heat, restlessness regardless of sitting or lying down, and occasional diarrhea with blood that looks like chicken or duck liver.

鸡子黄二枚 阿胶三锭黄连四两黄芩芍药各二两

鸡子黄Jizihuang (egg yolk) 2 pieces

阿胶Ejiao 3 dìng

黄连Huanglian 4 liǎng

黄芩Huangqin 2 liǎng

芍药Shaoyao 2 liǎng


Use six shēng of water to first boil Huanglian, Huangqin and Shaoyao down to three shēng. Drain the herbs. Add Ejiao and put on fire again to resolve it. Take down from fire, wait until it cools down a little, and then add Jizihuang. Mix it well. Take 7 hé warm, three times a day.

79 大朱鸟汤

Major Red Phoenix Decoction/ dà zhū niǎo tāng


This formula treats externally contracted atmospheric warm disease, severe diarrhea with downpour evil, toxin, and pure blood ten times a day, thin constitution like brushwood, unease in the Heart, twisting pain and urgency in the abdomen that is sharp like a knife.


鸡子黄Jizihuang 2 pieces

阿胶Ejiao 3 dìng

黄连Huanglian 4 liǎng

黄芩Huangqin 2 liǎng

芍药Shaoyao 2 liǎng

人参Renshen 2 liǎng

干姜Ganjiang 2 liǎng


Use one dǒu of water to boil Huanglian, Huangqin, Ganjiang, [Renshen, and Shaoyao] down to four shēng. Add two shēng of vinegar and boil down to four shēng. Drain the herbs. Add Ejiao and put it to boil to dissolve it. Take it down from fire to let it cool a bit. Then add Jizihuang. Mix well. Take one shēng three times during the day and once at night.

80 小玄武汤

Minor True Warrior (Black Tortoise) Decoction/ xiǎo xuán wǔ tāng


This formula treats externally contracted atmospheric disorder with Kidney qì deficiency, internally generated deficiency cold, unsmooth urination, abdominal pain, and cold extremities.


茯苓Fuling 3 liǎng

芍药Shaoyao 3 liǎng

白术Baizhu 3 liǎng

干姜Ganjiang 3 liǎng

附子Fuzi 1 piece (processed, peeled)


Boil the above five ingredients in eight shēng of water down to three shēng. Drain the herbs. Take seven hé warm, three times a day.

81 大玄武汤

Major True Warrior (Black Tortoise) Decoction/ dà xuán wǔ tāng


This formula treats Kidney qì deficiency taxation, cold in the lower abdomen, heaviness in the lower back, cold in the extremities, unsmooth urination, diarrhea like duck pond ten times a day, fatigue and weak.


茯苓Fuling 3 liǎng

白术Baizhu 2 liǎng

附子Fuzi 1 piece (processed)

芍药Shaoyao 2 liǎng

干姜Ganjiang 2 liǎng

人参Renshen 2 liǎng

炙甘草Zhigancao 2 liǎng


Boil the above seven ingredients in one dǒu of water down to four shēng. Take one shēng warm, three times during the day and once at night.

82 小勾陈汤

Minor Gouchen Decoction/ xiǎo gōu chén tāng


This formula treats externally contracted atmospheric warm disease. Deficiency in Spleen qi with untransformed food and drink, lumbar pain, and diarrhea.


甘草Gancao 3 liǎng

干姜Ganjiang 2 liǎng

人参Renshen 2 liǎng

大枣Dazao 6 pieces, remove pit


Use five shēng of water to boil the above four herbs down to 2 shēng. Divide into two doses and take warm.

83 大勾陈汤

Major Goucheng Decoction/ dà gōu chén tāng


This formula treats externally contracted atmospheric warm disease with Spleen qi deficiency, pathogenic heat entering interior, borborygmus and pain in the abdomen, incessant vomiting and diarrhea.


半夏Banxia 1 Shēng (wash to remove slipperiness)

黄芩Huangqin 2 liǎng

黄连Huanglian 2 liǎng

人参Renshen 3 liǎng

生姜Shengjiang 2 liǎng (sliced)

甘草Gancao 3 liǎng

大枣Dazao 12 pieces (remove pit)


Use one dǒu of water to boil the above seven ingredients down to six shēng. Take two shēng warm, three times a day.

84 小腾蛇汤

Minor Soaring Snake Decoction/ xiǎo téng shé tāng


This formula treats externally contracted atmospheric warm disease with excess in the Stomach qi, unresolved evil qi, abdominal fullness, panting, and unstoppable sweating.


枳实Zhishi 3 liǎng

厚朴Houpo 2 liǎng

甘草Gancao 2 liǎng

芒硝Mangxiao 2 liǎng


Use six shēng of water to Boil the above three ingredients down to 2 shēng. Drain the herbs. Add Mangxiao until it melts. Drink in a single dose.

85 大腾蛇汤

Major Soaring Snake Decoction/ dà téng shé tāng


This formula treats externally contracted atmospheric warm disease with unresolved pathogenic heat, closure and binding in the Large Intestine, big full and excess in the abdomen, sweating and panting. Disturbed Shen unable to recognize people. Use this formula to swiftly purge.


枳实Zhishi 3 liǎng




葶苈子Tinglizi (pound it until the color turns black, like mud)


芒硝Mangxiao (add last)


Use 1 dǒu and 2 shēng of water to Boil the above six ingredients down to four shēng. Drain the herbs. Add Mangxiao until it melts. Take two shēng warm. Shengjiang in one version is Dazao.

86 弘景曰:阳旦者,升阳之方,以黄芪为主;阴旦者,扶阴之方,以柴胡为主;青龙者,宣发之方,以麻黄为主;白虎者,收重之方,以石膏为主;朱鸟者,表滋之方,以鸡子黄为主;玄武者,温渗之方,以附子为主;此六方者,为六合之正精,升降阴阳,变互金木,即济水火,乃神明之剂也。张机撰《伤寒论》,避道家之称,故其方皆非正名也,但以其药名之,以推主为识耳。

(Zhang) Jingyue says: Yang Dawn is the direction of the rising sun; Huangqi governs. Yin Dawn is the direction of nourishing yin; Chaihu governs. The Blue-green Dragon is the direction of opening and venting; Mahuang governs. The White Tiger is the direction of collection; Shigao governs. The Red Phoenix is the direction of nourishing the surface; Jizihuang governs. The Xuanwu (Black Tortoise) is the direction of warm percolation; Fuzi governs... These six directions are the essences of the six conformations. Ascending and descending, yin and yang, mutual changes of metal and wood, mixing of the fire and water, these are the formulas of the Illuminating Brilliance (shén míng). When Zhang Ji (Zhang Zhongjing) wrote Shanghan Lun, in order to avoid Daoist names, he changed the names of the formulas using the name of the main herbs.


Attached by the evil and sudden death formulas

87 陶隐居云:中恶卒死者,皆臓气被壅,致令内外隔绝所致也,神仙有开五窍以救卒死中恶之方五者,录如左:

Hermit Tao says: people who suffer from attached by the evil and sudden death, the qì of the Zàng organs are obstructed leading to a complete separation of the interior and the exterior. The sages have five formulas that can open the five orifices to rescue attached by evil and sudden death, recorded below.

88 点眼以通肝气:

Touch the eye to connect the Liver qì


This formula treats drops and falls, pulling and twisting of the lower back, stagnation of qì and blood, fixed pain with inability to extend, move or rotate.



Fanshi (burn it red, wait for it to cool down, grind to thin powder)

Use a little bit with vinegar to dot the corners of the eyes. If the pain is more prominent on the left side, then dot the right corner of the eye. If the pain is more prominent on the right side, dot the left corner of the eye. Patient should experience severe itching. Tears coming out will bring cure.

89 吹鼻以通肺气:

Blow the nose to connect with the Lung qì


This formula treats all sudden death with absence of breathing. Use this method to revive the patient.


Zaojiao (scrape the skin)

Xixingen equal amount

Blow small amount of very fine powder into the nose with a reed pipe. Sneezing will bring cure.

90 著舌而通心气:

Touch the tongue and connect the Heart qì


This formula treats attaching by evil and urgent Heart pain. The hands and feet unexpectedly turn cold. One could die instantaneously. If the lip, tongue and fingernails are purple and blue green, there is cold.


Xiaoshi, 5 qián spoon

Xionghuang, 1 qián spoon


Grind above two ingredients into very fine powder and put one spoon under the tongue. If saliva comes out, ask the patient to swallow the powder will bring cure.

91 启喉以通脾气:

Open the throat to connect the Spleen qì


This formula treats overeating difficult to digest foods or poisonous foods. Unresolved stagnating food increases toxicity causing pain in the Heart and abdomen as if stirred by a knife.


Chixiaodou, equal amount



Use as powder with half shēng of salty Chi. Boil one shēng of Chi in two shēng of water. Drain the herbs. Add one spoon of the powder. Drink in a single dose. Vomiting brings cure.


Open the throat formula: This formula treats mistakenly eaten poisonous food or cold or hard object. Stagnating food unable to digest causing pain in the Heart. Use equal amount of Chixiaodou and Guadi and mix into powder. Add a little bit of salty Chi and make into pills. Use a bamboo to open the patient’s teeth and bring the pill in the mouth with warm water. Vomiting brings cure.

92 熨耳以通肾气:

Smooth the ear to connect the Kidney Qì


This formula treats insomnia due to nightmares.


Boil two shēng of hot water, add seven hé of Rongyan to be dissolved. Cut fifteen pieces of Congbai and add in the decoction. Take out Congbai once the decoction is boiling. Pound it into mud and cover it with sackcloth. Put it on the patient’s ears to get Cong qì enter the ears. Patient will sleep soundly.


Irrigate the ear formula: this formula rescues over consumption of water and inability to urinate. Boil one dǒu of water, add one shēng of Rongyan and fifteen pieces of Congbai. Make sure that Cong is not too hot by putting a finger in it. Have the patient lie on the side with a bucket underneath. Pour the decoction in the ear. Urination brings cure.

93 上五方,乃神仙救急之道,若畜病者,可倍用之。

These five formulas are methods of rescuing emergency by the sages. If encountering such illness, one can use them.

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