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Translation of Fu Xing Jue, Part 1

Updated: Feb 11


Fu Xing Jue

梁·华阳隐居 陶弘景撰

Written by Huayang hermit Tao Hongjing of Liáng Dynasty

Translated by Martha Mengqiu Jin 金梦秋

1 隐居曰:凡学道辈,欲求永年,先须祛疾。或有夙痼,或患时恙,一依五臓补泻法例,服药数剂,必使臓气平和,乃可进修内视之道。不尔,五精不续,真一难守,不入真景也。服药祛疾,虽系微事,亦初学之要领也。诸凡杂病,服药汗吐后,邪气虽[难]平,精气被夺,致令五臓虚疲,当即据证服补汤数剂以补之。不然,时日久旷,或变为损证,则生死转侧耳。谨钭五臓虚实证候悉列于左,庶几识别无误焉。

A hermit says: all students of Dao who pursue longevity should first learn to get rid of diseases. Whether one has chronic or acute illness, one should follow the methods of tonifying and dispersing the five Zàng organs. Taking several doses of medicinals will harmonize the qì of Zàng, and only then can one advance the Dao of internal observation. If [the person does not understand the method], then the five essences cannot be maintained, the true oneness cannot be guarded, and the ultimate internal landscape cannot be entered. Learning to use herbs to expel diseases, though it seems like a matter of unimportance, is the essential for beginning students. After taking the medicine to promote sweating and vomiting to treat all miscellaneous diseases, the evil qì is still hard to expel due to the essence qì being taken. It causes the five Zàng to be deficient and taxed. One should swiftly take many doses of a tonifying formula according to pattern. If after too many days of [not taking the medicinals], diseases may take a turn and become a life-death situation. Respectfully list below all patterns of excess and deficiency in five Zàng organs. Regular people with some education will be able to differentiate [patterns] without mistake.


Discussion on the Liver organ disease, pattern and treatment

2 肝虚则恐,实则怒。

When the Liver is deficient, one experiences fear. When it is excess, one experiences anger.

3 肝病者,必两胁下痛,痛引少腹。虚则目䀮䀮无所见,耳无所闻,心澹澹如人将捕之。气逆则耳聋,颊肿,治之取厥阴、少阳血者。

A patient with Liver disease will experience pain below the ribs and pain radiating down to the lower abdomen. In deficiency, the patient’s eyes cannot see and their ears cannot hear. The Heart moves like water as if the patient is being chased. If there is qì reversal, one experiences deafness in the ear and swelling of the cheek. Treat by bleeding Jueyin and Shaoyin channels.

4 邪在肝,则两胁中痛。中寒恶血在内,则善瘛,节时肿。取之行间以引胁下,补三里以温[胃]中,取耳间青脉,以去其瘛。

When evil is in the Liver, there is pain in the center of epigastric region. When attacked by cold with turbid blood within, one easily has convulsion of arms and legs which swell at the node/joint. Use Xing Jian (LV2) to guide qì to the area below the ribs. Tonify San Li (ST 36) to warm the center of the Stomach. Bleed blue-green vein on the ear to get rid of arm and leg convulsions.

5 陶云:肝德在散。故经云:以辛补之,以酸泻之。肝苦急,急食甘以缓之,适其性而衰也。

Tao says: the virtue of the Liver is dispersal. Therefore Neijing states: use pungent to tonify (Liver) and use sour to disperse it. When the Liver suffers tightness and urgency, then swiftly eat sweet to moderate. Fitting its nature will weaken it.

6 小泻肝汤

Minor Disperse the Liver Decoction/ Xiǎo Xiè Gān Tāng


This formula treats Liver excess with pain under the ribs and pain with urgency radiating to the lower abdomen. [Should present with dry retching.]


枳实Zhishi 3 liǎng (boiled)

芍药Shaoyao 3 liǎng

生姜Shengjiang 3 liǎng


Boil the above three ingredients in three shēng of clear water down to one shēng. Drink in a single dose. If no change, take it again.

7 大泻肝汤

Major Disperse the Liver Decoction/ Dà Xiè Gān Tāng


This formula treats headache, redness in the eyes, easily angered, propping fullness and pain below the ribs, pain and urgency radiating to the lower abdomen that cannot be withstood.


枳实Zhishi (boiled) each 1 liǎng





生姜Shengjiang (cut)


Boil the above six ingredients in five shēng of water down to two shēng. Divide into two [doses] and take warm.

8 小补肝汤

Minor Tonifying the Liver Decoction/ Xiǎo Bǔ Gān Tāng


This formula treats fear and doubtfulness in the Heart, occasional nightmares, qì surging up to Heart, sweat coming out, head and eye dizziness.

桂枝乾姜五味子各三两枣十二枚,去核, [一方作薯蓣,当从]

桂枝Guizhi each 3 liǎng



大枣Dazao 12 pieces (remove pit)

[One version uses Shuyu薯蓣]


Boil the above four ingredients in eight shēng of water down to three shēng. Take one shēng warm three times a day.


If there is Heart palpitation, add Guizhi 1.5 liǎng. If there is fullness in the center, take out Dazao. If there is hunger in the center of the Heart, use Dazao. If there is cough, reversal, and severe headache, add Xixin 1.5 liǎng. If there is cold in the extremities and difficulty urination, add one piece of processed Fuzi.

9 大补肝汤

Major Tonifying the Liver Decoction/ Dà Bǔ Gān Tāng


This formula treats Liver qì deficiency. The patient is fearful and unsettling. Qì rushes from the lower abdomen to the throat, unstoppable belching, head and eye dizziness, inability to sit or stand, sweating, heart palpitation, dry retching and inability to eat. Pulse is weak and knotted.


桂枝Guizhi 3 liǎng

干姜Ganjiang 3 liǎng

五味子Wuweizi 3 liǎng

旋覆花Xuanfuhua 1 liǎng

代赭石Daizheshi 1 liǎng [one version uses Mudanpi牡丹皮]

竹叶Zhuye 1 liǎng

大枣Dazao 12 pieces (take out pit) [one version uses Shuyu薯蓣]


Boil the above seven ingredients in one dǒu of water. Take one shēng warm, three times during the day and once at night.


Discussion on the Heart organ disease, pattern and treatment

10 心虚则悲不已,心实则笑不休。

When the Heart is deficient, one experiences sadness. When the Heart is excess, one cannot stop laughing.

11 心病者,心胸内痛,胁下支满,膺背肩胛间痛,两臂内痛。虚则胸腹胁下与腰相引而痛。取其经手少阴、太阳,及舌下血者。其变,刺却中血者。

A person with Heart disease has pain inside Heart and chest, propping fullness below the ribs, pain between shoulders and scapula, and pain on the inside of arms. When deficient, there is pain radiating from chest, abdomen, under the ribs to the lumbar area. Use hand Shaoyin, hand Taiyang channels and sublingual vein. If change, needle to bleed.

12 邪在心,则病心中前,善悲,是眩仆,视有馀不足崦调之。经云:「诸邪在心者,皆心胞代受,故证如是。」

The evil in the Heart manifests as disease in the front Heart center, easily sad, dizziness, and vision change as if covered by a mountain. Neijing says: the Pericardium receives the evil to the Heart. This applies to all patterns.

13 陶云:心德在耎。故经云:「以咸补之,苦泻之。心苦缓,急食酸以收之。」

Tao says: the virtue of the Heart is softness. Therefore Neijing says: use salty to tonify and bitter to disperse. When the Heart suffers moderation, swiftly eat sour to collect it.

14 小泻心汤

Minor Dispersing the Heart Decoction/ Xiǎo Xiè Xīn Tāng


This formula treats sudden urgent pain in the Heart, propping fullness under the ribs, qì reversal attaching the area between the shoulders and scapula, unable to eat or drink, and feeling sick after eating.


龙胆草Longdancao 3 liǎng

栀子Zhizi 3 liǎng

戎盐Rongyan (in the size of apricot kennel, three pieces, burned red)


Boil the above three ingredients in three shēng of vinegar and boil down to one shēng. Drink in a single dose. Vomiting shortly after taking the formula brings cure.

15 大泻心汤

Major Dispersing the Heart Decoction/ Dà Xiè Xīn Tāng


This formula threats sudden burst of pain in the Heart and abdomen as if hit by a knife. Patient would like to vomit but cannot vomit; would like to have diarrhea but cannot have diarrhea. There is agitation and vexation in the Heart, propping fullness and urgency in the rib, chest and back that no other formula could treat.


龙胆草Longdancao 3 liǎng

栀子Zhizi (crushed) 3 liǎng

苦参Kushen 2 liǎng

升麻Shengma 2 liǎng

豆豉Chi half jin

戎盐Rongyan 3 pieces as if the size of apricot kennel


Boil the above five ingredients in six shēng of vinegar down to three shēng. Drain the herbs. Add Rongyan. Slightly boil until it dissolves into two shēng. Take one shēng. One should vomit a lot. After vomiting, one must have spontaneous diarrhea. It will bring cure. (one version uses Tongcao 2 liǎng instead of Kushen)

16 小补心汤

Minor Tonifying the Heart Decoction/ Xiǎo Bǔ Xīn Tāng


This formula treats chest impediment with inability to lie down. Heart pain radiates to the back and back pain radiates to the Heart.

栝蒌一枚,捣, 薤白八两, 半夏半升,洗去滑

栝蒌Gualuo 1 piece (crushed)

薤白Xiebai 8 liǎng

半夏Banxia half shēng (wash to remove slipperiness)


Boil the above three ingredients in one dǒu of rice water down to four shēng. Take one shēng warm and take it again the next day. One version has half sheng of Xingren and no Banxia.

17 大补心汤

Major Tonifying the Heart Decoction/ Dà Bǔ Xīn Tāng


This formula treats chest impediment, glomus and fullness in the Heart, qì binding in the chest, occasional reversal from below the ribs to Heart, and Heart pain that nothing helps.

栝蒌一枚,捣薤白八两, 半夏半升,洗去滑厚朴炙,二两桂枝一两

栝蒌Gualuo 1 piece (crushed)

薤白Xiebai mushed 8 liǎng

半夏Banxia half shēng (wash away the slipperiness)

厚朴Houpo (Zhi) 2 liǎng

桂枝Guizhi 1 liǎng


Boil the above six ingredients in one dǒu of rice water down to four shēng. Take two shēng each time. Take it again the next day. One version has Xingren half shēng and does not have Banxia.

18 心胞气实者,受外邪之动也,则胸胁支满,眩中澹澹大动,面赤,目黄,善笑不休;虚则血气少,善悲,久不已,发癫仆。

When the pericardium qì is in excess and is invaded by the external pathogen, it presents with propping fullness in the chest and rib side, dizziness as if in the big wave, redness in the face, yellow eyes, and tend to laugh nonstop. In deficiency, it presents with deficient blood and qì, and easily sad. If not treated for a long time, one can have mania.

19 小泻心汤

Minor Dispersing the Pericardium Decoction/ Xiǎo Xiè Xīn Tāng


This formula treats propping fullness in the chest and abdomen, Heart palpitation with a sense of unease.


黄连Huanglian each 3 liǎng




Infuse the above three ingredients in three shēng of hot, boiled water for the amount of time to eat a meal, then squeeze these herbs and strain the decoction. Drink in a single dose.

20 大泻心汤

Major Dispersing the Pericardium Decoction/ Dà Xiè Xīn Tāng


This formula treats severe palpitation and a sense of unease in the Heart, glomus and fullness in the chest, bitter taste in the mouth, sores on the tongue, red face as if newly applied makeup, or vomiting blood, nose blood, and expelling blood downward.


黄连Huanglian 3 liǎng

黄芩Huangqin 3 liǎng

芍药Shaoyao 3 liǎng

炮姜Ganjiang (pao) 1 liǎng

炙甘草Zhigancao 1 liǎng

大黄Dahuang 1 liǎng


Boil the above six ingredients in five shēng of water down to two shēng. Take it warm twice a day.

21 小补心汤

Minor Tonifying the Pericardium Decoction/ Xiǎo Bǔ Xīn Tāng


This formula treats deficiency in the blood and qì, Heart palpitation, occasional sadness and tears, vexation in the center, sweating, signing, and a knotted pulse.


代赭石Daizheshi (burned hot and put in vinegar three times, and then hammer it. One version uses Mudanpi)

旋覆花Xuanfuhua 2 liǎng

竹叶Zhuye 2 liǎng

豆豉(Dou) Chi 1 liǎng (one version uses Shanyuyou山萸肉)


Boil the above four ingredients in eight shēng of water down to three shēng. Take it warm one shēng three times daily.


If there is unresolved fright and worry, increase Daizheshi to four and half liǎng. If there is vexing heat and sweating, take out Chi and increase Zhuye to four and half liǎng. If there is heat effusion, still use Chi. If there is stagnating pain in the Heart, increase Chi to four and half liǎng. If the person suffers from shortness of breath, add Gancao 3 liǎng. If there is glomus and fullness below the Heart, take out Chi and add Renshen one and half liǎng. If there is cold in the chest and excess saliva, add Ganjiang one and half liǎng. If there is a stuck feeling in the throat, increase Xuanfuhua to four and half liǎng.

22 大补心汤

Major Tonifying the Pericardium Decoction/ Dà Bǔ Xīn Tāng


This formula treats vacuity vexation in the Heart, unexpressed agitation, fright as if a horse is startled, food and water has no flavor, dry retching, belching, may have occasional excess saliva. The person’s pulse is knotted and faint.

代赭石烧赤,入酢头中淬三次,打。一方作牡丹皮,当从旋覆花 竹叶各三两豉一方作山萸肉,当从人参甘草炙乾姜各一两

代赭石Daizheshi (burned hot and put in vinegar three times, and then hammer it. One version uses Mudanpi)

旋覆花Xuanfuhua 3 liǎng

竹叶Zhuye 3 liǎng

豆豉(Dou) Chi (one version calls for Shanyurou)

人参Renshen 1 liǎng

炙甘草Zhigancao 1 liǎng

干姜Ganjiang 1 liǎng


Boil the above seven ingredients in one dǒu of water down to four shēng. Each time take one shēng warm. Take it three times during the day and once at night.


Discussion on the Spleen organ disease pattern and treatment

23 脾实则腹满,殓泄;虚则四肢不用,五臓不安。

When the Spleen is in excess, there is fullness in the abdomen and diarrhea. In deficiency there is weakness in the four limbs and unsettled feeling in the five Zàng organs.

24 脾病者,必腹满肠鸣,溏泻,食不化;虚则身重,若饥,肉痛,足痿不收,行善瘛,脚下痛。

When the Spleen is diseased, there is fullness in the abdomen, borborygmus in the intestines, diarrhea with untransformed food. In deficiency, there is heaviness in the body. When the person gets hungry, there is pain in the flesh, flaccid foot unable to contract, tendency to get limb convulsion while moving, and pain in the bottom of the feet.

25 邪在脾,则肌肉痛,阳气不足,则寒中,肠鸣,腹痛;阴气不足,则善饥,绵调其三里。

When there is evil in the Spleen, there is muscle pain. Yang qì is deficient causing cold accumulating in the center with borborygmus and abdominal pain. Yin qì is deficient causing easily hunger. Gently regulate Sanli (ST 36).

26 陶云:脾德在缓。故经云:以甘补之,辛泻之;脾苦湿,急食苦以燥之。

Tao says: the virtue of the Spleen is moderation. Therefore Neijing says: use sweet to tonify and pungent to reduce. The Spleen easily suffers from dampness. Swiftly eat bitter to dry it.

27 小泻脾汤

Minor Dispersing the Spleen Decoction/ Xiǎo Xiè Pǐ Tāng


This formula treats Spleen qì excess, diarrhea with undigested food in the stool, internal cold and external heat, abdominal cold, and a faint pulse.


附子Fuzi one piece [processed]

干姜Ganjiang 3 liǎng

炙甘草Zhigancao 3 liǎng


Boil the above three ingredients in three shēng of water down to one shēng. Drink in a single dose.

28 大泻脾汤

Major Dispersing the Spleen Decoction/ Dà Xiè Pǐ Tāng


This formula treats abdominal distention and fullness, dry retching with inability to eat, desire to have a bowel movement but fail to do so, or incessant diarrhea.


附子Fuzi one piece [processed]

干姜Ganjiang 3 liǎng

黄芩Huangqin 1 liǎng

大黄Dahuang 1 liǎng

芍药Shaoyao 1 liǎng

[枳实Zhishi 1 liǎng]

炙甘草Zhigancao 1 liǎng


Boil the above six ingredients in five shēng of water down to two shēng. Take one shēng warm, twice a day.

29 小补脾汤

Minor Tonifying the Spleen Decoction/ Xiǎo Bǔ Pǐ Tāng


This formula treats untransformed food and drink, spontaneous vomiting and diarrhea, hungry feeling in the Heart after vomiting and diarrhea, or glomus and fullness below the Heart, a faint pulse, weak strength, heavy body, atrophy of foot, and easily twisting the tendons.


人参Renshen 3 liǎng

炙甘草Zhigancao 3 liǎng

干姜Ganjiang 3 liǎng

白术Baizhu 1 liǎng


Boil the above four ingredients in eight shēng of water down to three shēng. Divide it into three doses and take it three times a day.


If there is pulsation above the umbilicus, take out Zhu and add four liǎng of Guizhi. If there is excess vomiting, take out Zhu and add three liǎng of Shēngjiang. If there is still diarrhea, use Zhu. If there is Heart palpitation, add one liǎng of Fuling. If there is a desire to drink, increase Zhu to four and half liǎng. If there is fullness in the abdomen, take out Zhu and add one piece of processed Fuzi. If there is abdominal pain, add one liǎng of Renshen. If there is cold, add one liǎng of Ganjiang.

30 大补脾汤

Major Tonifying the Spleen Decoction/ Dà Bǔ Pǐ Tāng


This formula treats severe Spleen qì taxation, untransformed food and drink, vomiting and diarrhea. The person is dry and skinny like a brushwood, and cannot move or turn when standing. The person suffers from dry thirst in the mouth, sweating, and urgency of breath. The pulse is weak and occasionally intermittent.


人参Renshen 3 liǎng

炙甘草Zhigancao 3 liǎng

干姜Ganjiang 3 laing

白术Baizhu 1 liǎng

麦门冬Maimendong 1 liǎng

五味子Wuweizi 1 liǎng

旋覆花Xuanfuhua 1 liǎng [one version uses Mudanpi牡丹皮]


Boil the above seven ingredients in one dǒu of water down to four shēng. Divide into four doses and take it warm, three times during the day and once at night.


Discussion on the Lung organ disease, pattern and treatment

31 肺虚则鼻息不利;实则喘咳,凭胸仰息。

When the Lung is deficient, breathing becomes unsmooth. In excess, there is panting, coughing, and breathing with the chest facing up.

32 肺病者,必咳喘逆气,肩息,背痛,汗出憎风;虚则胸中痛,少气,不能报息,耳聋,咽乾。

When the Lung is diseased, there is cough, panting due to reversal of qì, breathing with the shoulder, back pain, sweating and aversion to wind. In deficiency, there is pain in the chest, shortness of breath, inability to breath with regular interval, deafness in the ear, and dry throat.

33 邪在肺,则皮肤痛,发寒热,上气喘,汗出,咳动肩背,取之膺中外腧,背第三椎旁,以手按之快然,乃刺之,取缺盆以越之。

The evil in the Lung presents with pain in the skin, alternating cold and hot, panting with qì reversal, sweating, coughing with movements of shoulder and back, use the outer Shu points on the third vertebra. Use the hand to press and needle quickly. Use Quepen (ST 11)to overcome the disease.

34 陶云:肺德在收。故经云:「以酸补之,咸泻之;肺苦气上逆,急食辛以散之,开腠理以通气也。」

Tao says: the virtue of the Lung is collecting and gathering. Therefore Neijing says: use sour to tonify and salty to reduce. When the Lung suffers from upward reversal of qì, swiftly eat pungent to disperse it. Open the interstitial spaces to facilitate qì flow.

35 小泻肺汤

Minor Dispersing the Lung Decoction/ Xiǎo Xiè Fèi Tāng


This formula treats coughing, panting, upward reversal of qì, pressing fullness in the chest, and inability to lay down.


葶苈子Tinglizi 3 liǎng (boil until it turns black, repeatedly crush it until it looks like mud.)

大黄Dahuang 3 liǎng

芍药Shaoyao 3 liǎng


Boil the above three ingredients in three shēng of water down to two shēng. Divide into two doses. Take it warm, until panting has stopped.

36 大泻肺汤

Major Dispersing the Lung Decoction/ Dà Xiè Fèi Tāng


This formula treats phlegm and mucus in the chest, panting with inability to lay down, unsmooth urination and defecation, swelling of the body and face as if water accumulates into the pond, desire to breath smoothly.


葶苈子Tinglizi 2 liǎng (boiled)

大黄Dahuang 2 liǎng

芍药Shaoyao 2 liǎng

炙甘草Zhigancao 1 liǎng

黄芩Huangqin 1 liǎng

干姜Ganjiang 1 liǎng


Boil the above six ingredients in five shēng of water down to two shēng. Divide into two doses. Take it warm twice a day.

37 小补肺汤

Minor Tonifying the Lung Decoction/ Xiǎo Bǔ Fèi Tāng


This formula treats sweating, thirst, shortness of breath, pain in the chest, and a weak pulse.


麦门冬Maimendong 3 liǎng

五味子Wuweizi 3 liǎng

旋覆花Xuanfuhua 3 liǎng (one version uses Mudanpi牡丹皮)

细辛Xixin 1 liǎng


Boil the above four ingredients in eight shēng of water down to three shēng. Take it three times a day, one shēng each time.


If there is vexing heat in the chest, taking out Xixin and add Haige 1 liǎng. If there is stuffy pain, add 1 liǎng of Xixin. If there is cough difficult to expectorate and a knotting pulse, double Xuanfuhua to six liǎng. If there is veiling and dizziness, take out Xixin and add one liǎng of Zexie. If there is coughing and vomiting blood, double Maimendong to six liǎng. If there is vexing thirst, take out Xixin and add half Shēng of Gengmi. If there is excess saliva, still use Xixin and add half shēng of pre-washed Banxia.

38 大补肺汤

Major Tonifying the Lung Decoction/ Dà Bǔ Fèi Tāng


This formula treats vexing heat and sweating, shortness of breath, dryness in the mouth, deaf of ear, a weak and rapid pulse.


麦门冬Maimendong 3 liǎng

五味子Wuweizi 3 liǎng

旋覆花Xuanfuhua 3 liǎng [one version uses Mudanpi 牡丹皮]

细辛Xixin 1 liǎng

地黄Dihuang 1liǎng

竹叶Zhuye 1 liǎng

甘草Gancao 1 liǎng


Boil the above seven ingredients in one dǒu of water down to four shēng. Take it warm over four times. Three times during the day and once at night.


Discussion on the Kidney organ disease, pattern and treatment

39 肾气虚则厥逆,实则腹满,面色正黑,泾溲不利。

Kidney qì deficiency presents with reversal cold of the four limbs. In excess, there is fullness in the abdomen, a dark colored face, and unsmooth urination.

40 肾病者,必腹大胫肿,身重,嗜寝[寐];虚则腰中痛,大腹小腹痛,尻阴股、膝挛,足皆痛。

A person with Kidney disease presents with a big abdomen and swelling in the lower legs, heaviness in the body and somnolence. In deficiency there is pain in the lumbar region, pain in the upper and lower abdomen, and pain in the glute, reproductive organs, upper legs, knees and feet.

41 邪在肾,是骨痛,阴痹,阴痹者,按之不得,腹胀,腰痛,大便难,肩背项强痛,时眩仆,取之勇泉,昆仑,视有馀者尽取之。

The evil in the Kidney presents with bone pain and Yin bì. Yin bì means fullness in the abdomen with desire not to be touched, pain in the lumbar region, difficulty with defecation, pain and stiffness in the shoulder, back and neck, dizziness and falling down from time to time. Use Yongquan (KD 1)and Kunlun (BL 60) to reduce excess.

42 陶云:肾德在坚。故经云:「以苦补之,甘泻之;肾苦燥,急食咸以润之,至津液生也。」

Tao says: the virtue of the Kidney is firmness. Therefore Neijing says: use bitter to tonify, sweat to reduce. The Kidney suffers from dryness, swiftly eat salty to moisten it in order to generate fluid and humor.

43 小泻肾汤

Minor Dispersing the Kidney Decoction/ Xiǎo Xiè Shèn Tāng


This formula treats scanty and red urine, fullness in the lower abdomen, and swelling in the lower legs.


茯苓Fuling 3 liǎng

甘草Gancao 3 liǎng

黄芩Huangqin 3 liǎng


Boil the above three ingredients in three shēng of water down to one shēng. Drink in a single dose.

44 大泻肾汤

Major Dispersing the Kidney Decoction/ Dà Xiè Shèn Tāng


This formula treats scanty and red urine, blood in the urine, pressing fullness and pain in the lower abdomen, lumber as if broken in half, and tinnitus.


茯苓Fuling 3 liǎng

甘草Gancao 3 liǎng

大黄Dahuang 3 liǎng

黄芩Huangqin 3 liǎng

芍药Shaoyao 1 liǎng

干姜Ganjiang 1 liǎng


Boil the above six ingredients in five shēng of water down to two shēng. Take it warm twice a day.

45 小补肾汤

Minor Tonifying the Kidney Decoction/ Xiǎo Bǔ Shèn Tāng


This formula treats deficiency taxation, loss of essence, low back pain, steaming bone, skinny body, and a fast pulse.


地黄Dihuang 3 liǎng

竹叶Zhuye 3 liǎng

甘草Gancao 3 liǎng

泽泻Zexie 1 liǎng


Boil the above four ingredients in eight shēng of water down to three shēng. Take three times a day.


If there is blood in the urine, take out Zexie and add one liǎng of Diyu. If there is blood in the stool, take out Zexie and add Fulonggan the size of an egg. If the person suffers from essence loss, use Shudihuang instead of Shengdihuang. If urine is cold and there is pain in the penis, double Zexie to two liǎng. If there is pressing urgency in the lower abdomen, take out Zexie and add one liǎng of Mudanpi. If there is unsmooth urination, still use Zexie. If there is vexation in the Heart, add Zhuye. If there is heat in the center of abdomen, add 14 pieces of Zhizi, broken into pieces.

46 大补肾汤

Major Tonifying the Kidney Decoction/ Dà Bǔ Shèn Tāng


This formula treats essence qì deficiency, lower back pain, atrophy of the Kidney, inability to walk, deficiency heat rushing upward, dizziness, unsmooth urination, and a soft and fast pulse.


地黄Dihuang 3 liǎng

竹叶Zhuye 3 liǎng

甘草Gancao 3 liǎng

泽泻Zexie 1 liǎng

桂枝Guizhi 1 liǎng

干姜Ganjiang 1 liǎng

五味子Wuweizi 1 liǎng


Boil the above seven ingredients in one dǒu of flowing water down to four shēng. Divide into four doses. Take it three times during the day and once at night.

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